
“I want to be a part of Made4Me”

  • Do you have a passion to help others? (We’re pretty sure you do or you wouldn’t be on this site!)
  • Do you like to work with your hands? (We need people who can use power tools, a paintbrush, sandpaper, and can glue paper)
  • Do you like to be creative? (We need creatives who can design, sew, paint details, update websites, or post to social media)
  • Do you have talents that you can share?  (We’d love to discuss how you can use them at M4M)
  • Don’t know how you might fit in? (We’ll help you to find your niche and we’ll train you)
Made4Me knows that parents of special needs kids can’t find or afford the equipment their children need to do basic things in life
Made4Me partners with families to design custom pieces that make day-to-day life full of possibilities

YOU too can help make abilities possible for many children!